
Whats going on!

I signed in and it said my blog was DELETED. Now it's here again. Am I in violation of something? If someone sees a photo which isn't credited, it's because I'm not sure where it's from anymore. If you know- let me know! Also- Do you think I swear too much?Funny thing is I don't swear very much at all. Anyway- if you guys know anything let me know.

Currently working on a scuba tank DIY and a peplum belt DIY for monday guys! Are you excited? Here are some photos which are inspiring me this week: 

This is Angelina Jolie.

Only the french are this suave. 

Breakfast of champions. My last meal if I ever got to choose.

Chocolate Cup from Chez Clément- It came with espresso and chocolate ice cream!

This is Versailles.

Angie photo via Google and the other images are taken by me. If you would like to use one, feel free...just credit me and my blog.


  1. Cool photos! Nice blog, too. Wanna follow mine?

    1) Follow me (via Google Friend Connect)
    2) Comment on any of my posts to let me know you’re following.
    Afterwards, I’ll be sure to follow you back!

    Thank you!


  2. Bonjour
    Merci pour votre adhesion dans le directory,
    J'apprecie beaucoup
    La création de ce nouveau blog "directory", permettra un rapprochement entre différents pays, la connaissance de differentes cultures et traditions.
    Il en est à ses débuts, et s'il y a des améliorations à faire, je suis totalement à votre écoute
    Plus il y aura de personnes et plus cela donnera des possibilités,
    Vous êtes en quelques sorte l' Ambassadeur de ce blog,
    C'est a vous aussi de le faire connaitre apres de vos contacts et de vos amis afin de faire vivre ce blog, ce serai tres sympa de votre
    Moi je ne suis que l'intermédiaire
    Votre blog se trouve dans la liste France et USA

    Voici l'image du blog pour faire connaitre aupres de vos amis le directory

  3. Thats strange, I never heard of a blog being deleted! Thanks for a comment lovely


  4. love the chocolate mug!



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